Millions of lightbulbs dumped in general waste bins

WEEE Ireland say now is the perfect time to recycle old and broken Christmas lights as it’s revealed millions of lightbulbs dumped in general waste each year in Ireland…

Tadg O’Reilly (11 yrs) and Rian O’Reilly (89yrs) highlighting the need for people to safely dispose of lightbulbs free of charge by returning them to their local hardware or lighting store or bringing them to their nearest local authority recycling centre. Credit: Conor McCabe Photography

Millions of lightbulbs are being dumped in general waste bins in Ireland every year, potentially exposing hidden health hazards and sparking a new recycling plea.

WEEE Ireland is now asking everyone to reverse the damaging trend of any bulbs ending up in landfill so that metals and glass can be recovered for further use in manufacturing.

“As households across the country put up their Christmas trees, now is also the perfect time to recycle old and broken Christmas lights that no longer work and may have been sitting in boxes and drawers since last year or even years before that,” said Leo Donovan, CEO of WEEE Ireland.

Only 3.2 million of the estimated 10 million bulbs sold last year were recycled – meaning up to 6.8 million could have been lost to landfill via household rubbish bins, according to Waste, Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Ireland.

It is estimated that 40% of Irish households get rid of lightbulbs in their general waste.

This has also created a health and environmental hazard as many are fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), which contain small traces of chemicals like mercury.

“When you dispose of fluorescent and CFL bulbs in your regular rubbish, the risk of bulb breakage is high,” said Mr Donovan.

“If broken, these bulbs can release harmful mercury vapour and metal dust into the air that can be hazardous to health and the environment.”

“Virtually all components of light bulbs can be recycled, while any hazardous materials are separated and treated in an environmentally friendly way,” he added.

“Householders and small firms can recycle their waste lightbulbs free of charge by returning them to their local hardware or lighting store, bringing them to their nearest local authority recycling centre or asking their lighting installer to return waste lightbulbs to their wholesaler.

“100% of waste lighting equipment returned is recycled here in Ireland at Irish Lamp Recycling in Kildare.”

WEEE Ireland offers the following advice if you accidentally break a CFL or fluorescent bulb.       

  • Ventilate the area immediately by opening all windows.
  • Carefully clear up the broken bulb using stiff cardboard to “scoop” up the material.
  • Avoid brushing and vacuuming since this could raise the dust and increase the safety risks.
  • Be sure to wear appropriate PPE to protect against respiratory injury from dusts and vapours as well as other appropriate PPE to guard against cuts from sharp debris.If a person becomes unwell as a result of contact with a broken lamp, the emergency services should be called immediately.

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