Electricians are a friendly force to be reckoned with

My Job Quote issued a survey to 1,482 trade customers to discover who they believe to be the friendliest tradespeople...

“Customers want to feel reassured that they can trust someone to get the job done properly and efficiently.”

The survey found that electricians are considered the friendliest tradespeople by the majority of customers surveyed (75%).

Next on the list come gardeners and then plumbers, both considered slightly less friendly than electricians, but still comfortably occupying the top positions. The general consensus was that builders, kitchen specialists and tilers were amongst the least friendly, scoring less than half of what electricians did.

What are the factors that make different tradespeople more or less friendly than others? Another survey, from confused. com in 2019, revealed that the most secure trade professions are electricians and double-glazing installation businesses – both of which have an average survival rate of 89% after two years. It seems an obvious conclusion that sparks can provide the best service possible whenever they can rely on their workflow and remain assured of their positions.

However, there are clearly other contributing factors. Those surveyed were also asked to explain what specific actions make the strongest impression on them and affected their friendliness rating most. From this, My Job Quote found that customers are most grateful when tradespeople do not get annoyed when they kindly ask them for an update/ progress check (84%). Other highly regarded actions include tradespeople who provide a valid reason and apology for not turning up when originally agreed and those who take the initiative to clean up any mess they have created, once finished. When on the job, many appreciate tradespeople who ask permission to use their bathroom as well as before making or receiving a work/ private phone call.

Carl Meredith, Managing Director of My Job Quote, provided some concluding thoughts on the survey, “When hiring a tradesperson, customers want to feel reassured that they can trust someone to get the job done properly and efficiently. A crucial part of the service that really matters to customers is the level of care and attention that a tradesperson will provide them. The customer wants to deal with someone they can easily communicate and work with – friendliness is a vital characteristic when assessing and hiring a tradesperson.”

Congratulations to electricians for topping the friendliness rankings and making an excellent impression on their customers.

The Rankings…